Avian Flu | Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Avian Flu

Avian Flu

Black-headed Gull © Hugh Clark FRPS
  • Nature Reserve

There is an outbreak of Avian Flu amongst our wild birds in the Hastings and Rother area.

You may see dead or sick birds along the beach here and elsewhere. 

During June 2022 there was an increase in dead and sick gulls along the Sussex coast. 

It mostly affected Herring and Black-headed Gulls. Defra collected samples on 6th June to determine the cause and UK Health Security Agency confirmed it is Avian Flu (H5Nx) on 18th June.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 was confirmed on 15 June 2022 in non-commercial poultry at a premises near Bexhill-on-Sea, Rother, East Sussex.

The situation is not so severe now, but there are still some birds dying locally that may be affected.

Do not touch dead or sick birds and keep dogs away from them.

If you find dead wild waterfowl (swans, geese or ducks) or other dead wild birds, such as gulls or birds of prey, you should report them to the Defra helpline (03459 33 55 77).

For more information

Please visit the Defra website

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